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Archlord- Build yapılandırması.

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan Liaison
  • Başlangıç tarihi Başlangıç tarihi


25 Mar 2012


Lv 1-30


Blaze Wall 1/5
Hell Typon 3/5
Mass Snare 3/5


Power Wand 4/5
Wind Quake 1/5


Life Restore 5/5
Testament 5/5

Lv 30-50


Mass Snare 5/5
Earth Quake 1/5
Acid Rain 5/5
Whirpool 1/5
Shoul Chaos 2/5


Power Wand 5/5
Wind Quake 5/5


Life Restore 5/5
Testament 5/5
Optimum 5/5
Mana Pull 5/5
Assimilate 5/5


Ethereal Impale 1/5

Lv 50 ve Sonrası (46da Skilleri Siliyoruz)


Mass Snare 5/5
Acid Rain 5/5
Soul Chaos 5/5


Power Wand 5/5
Wind Quake 5/5


Life Restore 5/5
Testament 5/5
Halt 1/5
Optimum 5/5
Mana Pull 5/5
Assimilate 5/5


Ethereal İmpale 4/5
Fire Storm 5/5
Legion Of The Dead 3/5
Reqium 3/5
Unholy Casting 5/5
Dead Pact 3/5
Dark Metabolism 5/5
Ethereal Refreshment 5/5
Wind Storm 5/5
Wretched Cold 5/5
Narcolepsy 1/5

-Archlord Hunter-

[PvE] Level 10
Piercing Shot: 1/5
Misleader: 1/5
Endurance: 2/5, Dash: 2/5
Skill Points Left Over: 4

[PvE] Level 15
Piercing Shot: 2/5
Animal Soul: 1/5
Misleader: 3/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 4/5, Evade: 1/5

[PvE] Level 20
Piercing Shot: 3/5
Animal Soul: 3/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 4/5, Evade: 1/5

[PvE] Level 25
Piercing Shot: 3/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 2/5

[PvE] Level 26
Piercing Shot: 3/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 3/5

[PvE] Level 27
Piercing Shot: 3/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 4/5

[PvE] Level 28 -
Piercing Shot: 3/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 29
Piercing Shot: 3/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5, Snare Shot: 1/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 30
Piercing Shot: 4/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5, Snare Shot: 1/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 31
Piercing Shot: 5/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5, Snare Shot: 1/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 32
Piercing Shot: 5/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5, Snare Shot: 2/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 4/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 33
Piercing Shot: 5/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 1/5, Snare Shot: 2/5
Misleader: 5/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 34 - Piercing shot u resetle onun yerine gösterilenleri ver
Burst Shot: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 2/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 1/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 35
Burst Shot: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 3/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 1/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 36
Burst Shot: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 3/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 37
Burst Shot: 2/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 3/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 38
Burst Shot: 2/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 4/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 39
Burst Shot: 2/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 4/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 3/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 40
Burst Shot: 2/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 4/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 3/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 41
Burst Shot: 2/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 3/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 42
Burst Shot: 3/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 3/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 43
Burst Shot: 4/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 3/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 44
Burst Shot: 4/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 4/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 45
Burst Shot: 4/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 46
Burst Shot: 4/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 47
Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 48
Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Hustler: 1/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 49
Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 1/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 50 A
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 1/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 51
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Chain Action: 1/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 1/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 52
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Chain Action: 1/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 1/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 53
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Chain Action: 1/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 2/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 54
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Chain Action: 2/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 2/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 55
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Chain Action: 2/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 3/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 56
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Chain Action: 3/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 3/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 57
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Chain Action: 3/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 4/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

[PvE] Level 58
Magic Arrow: 1/5, Chain Action: 4/5, Burst Shot: 5/5, Arrow Hail: 1/5, Phoenix: 4/5
Animal Soul: 5/5, Power Crossbow: 5/5, Snare Shot: 5/5
Misleader: 5/5, Defiance: 5/5, Cure: 1/5, Hustler: 2/5
Endurance: 5/5, Dash: 5/5, Evade: 5/5

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