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Archlord Görevleri Moblar - Leveller - Goldlar 15-25

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15 Eki 2011

11 - 15 Level Arası

Quests Area Level Exp Gold Şeklinde Ayrılmıştır..​

Jamushi's Seal
Pilgram Nox Delfaras; Megara 11 470 80
Young Lycanto Jamushi's Seal; Nox 11 1170 210
Cost of Strengthening Jamushi's Seal; Nox 11 700 120
Catch Rojin Jamushi's Seal; Nox 11 1460 260

Traces Of A Friend
Mathematician Centergoras Delfaras; Marco 11 470 80
Torn Map Delfaras; Centergoras 11 700 120

Nortop Theft
Dispatched to Nortop Golundo; Zion 11 470 80
Guard the Warehouse Nortop Village; Burbur 11 1170 210
Magic Bottle Nortop Village; Burbur 11 700 120
Detoxicant Nortop Village; Burbur 11 1170 310
Golden Document Nortop Village; Burbur 11 1460 260

New Order
New Order Golundo; Zion 11 1170 210

Kariel's Anxiety
Bandillion Laflesia; Kariel 11 700 120
Daiscent's Information Laflesia; Kariel 11 290 50
Bandillion's Plan Laflesia; Daiscent 11 470 80
Bandillion's Conspiracy Laflesia; Kariel 11 700 120

Tinkonel's Vengeance
Tinkonel's Grudge Laflesia; Tinkonel 11 290 50
Lamia's Symbol Laflesia; Neural 11 700 120
Neural's Request Laflesia; Neural 11 1170 210
Tinkonel's Vengeance Laflesia; Tinkonel 11 1460 260

Gnome's Cave
Finding Pickin Delfaras; Dalpherin 12 390 70
Pickin's Rage Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 12 930 160
Miriman's Treasure Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 12 1560 270
Holy Sacrifice Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 12 620 110
Finish Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 12 1560 270

Hidden Letters In The Map
A New Map Delfaras; Marco 12 620 110
Let it Be Shown Delfaras; Marco 12 930 250
Fire Lycanto's Village Delfaras; Marco 12 1950 340

Sensing Fire
Magic Medicine Delivery Golundo; Brusoto 12 620 110
Follow the Elemental's Revelation Solcid Stone Case; Trin 12 1560 270
Oracle Solcid Stone Case; Trin 12 1560 270

Lure to the Trap Golundo; Dolph 12 930 350
Empty Threat Golundo; Dolph 12 620 110

Traces Of The Yeti
News about the Stone Case Golundo; Zion 12 390 70
Compensation Solcid Stone Case; Trin 12 1950 340
The Footprints of the Yeti Solcid Stone Case; Trin 12 930 160

Fortuneteller's Union Leader
Troublesome Crow Laflesia; Redialuna 12 930 160
Merry Kirk Laflesia; Redialuna 12 390 70
Death Crow's Eggs Laflesia; Kirk 12 620 110
Crow's Feather Laflesia; Redialuna 12 930 160

Lethargic Dalicent
Jeronin's Message Laflesia; Jeronin 12 390 70
Abandoned Orchard Laflesia; Dalicent 12 930 160
Culprit of Malice Laflesia; Dalicent 12 1560 270
Scarce Mind Laflesia; Dalicent 12 1950 340

Gold Bar Of Promise
Secure Transportation Route Delfaras; Marco 13 1220 210
Worried by the Lack of News Delfaras; Marco 13 510 90
Gold Nugget Chest Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 13 820 140
Gold Bar Lost Again Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 13 1220 210
Retrieving a Gold Nugget Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 13 2550 430

Lizardman's Treasure
Estra of Gypsy Town Delfaras; Marco 13 510 90
Lizardman's Record Gypsy Town; Estra 13 2040 340
Translation of the Record Gypsy Town; Estra 13 1220 210

Elemental's Rage
Bronzedran's Story Golundo; Trujillo 13 510 90
Symbol Destroyed Golundo; Rogen 13 2550 430

Young Hydra At The Black Wave Village
Young Hydra's Escape Golundo; Brusoto 13 510 90
Finding Food Black Wave Village; Cy 13 1220 210
Scattering Food Black Wave Village; Cy 13 1220 210

Royal Envoy
Serious Situation Golundo; Zion 13 2040 340
Royal Envoy's Luggage Nortop Village; Mino 13 820 140
Find the Order Golundo; Zion 13 1220 210

Timorous Cariten Laflesia; Cariten 13 510 90
Lincent's Prediction Laflesia; Lincent 13 820 140
First Challenge Laflesia; Lincent 13 1220 210
Rodellite Laflesia; Lincent 13 2550 430

Forewarned Is Forearmed
Bandillion's Movement Laflesia; Siaforce 13 2040 340
Siaforce's Report Laflesia; Siaforce 13 510 90
Dalicent's Worries Laflesia; Dalicent 13 1220 210
Forewarned is Forearmed Laflesia; Dalicent 13 1220 210

Truth Of Miracle Fountain
Access Denied Delfaras; Bless 14 1580 260
Young Arbor's Talisman Miracle Fountain; Canaria 14 1060 170
Talisman Revealed Miracle Fountain; Canaria 14 660 110
Purified Talisman Delfaras; Jeriad 14 1580 530
Back to Where It Belongs Delfaras; Jeriad 14 2640 430

Secret Inside The Jewel
Craftsman's Skill Delfaras; Marco 14 660 110
Inside and Outside of the Jewel Delfaras; Givinia 14 1580 260
Truth of Jewel Delfaras; Givinia 14 3300 540

Knight's Challenge
Knight's Challenge Nortop Village; Lancinos 14 3300 540

Relations Between Cities
Venison Golundo; Brusoto 14 1580 260
Intermediary Golundo; Brusoto 14 660 110
Open Up the Road Nortop Village; Lancinos 14 1580 260
Final Wrap-Up Nortop Village; Lancinos 14 660 110

Records Of The Yeti
Violent Hunting Golundo; Zion 14 2640 430
Lycanto's possessions Golundo; Zion 14 1580 260
Secret within the Village Golundo; Zion 14 1060 170

Paraken's Belt
Lent Goods Laflesia; Paraken 14 1580 260
Lost Belt Laflesia; Paraken 14 660 110
Paraken's Belt Laflesia; Inoksos 14 1060 170
Small Favor Laflesia; Paraken 14 1580 260

Alchemist Of Laflesia
Alchemist's Request Laflesia; Robello 14 660 110
Millo's Efforts Laflesia; Millo 14 1580 260
Hallumium Laflesia; Millo 14 2640 430
Small Discontent Laflesia; Robello 14 3300 540

Controlling Mind
Alchemist's Proposal Delfaras; Monte 15 850 140
Land of Raw Materials Delfaras; Jeriad 15 2040 320
Material from Deer Delfaras; Jeriad 15 2040 320
Ingo's Ring of Incantation Delfaras; Jeriad 15 3400 540
End of Incantation Delfaras; Jeriad 15 2040 320

Zian's Proof
The Secret of Miracle Fountain Delfaras; Marco 15 850 140
The Test Miracle Fountain; Canaria 15 4250 680
Proof's Repose Miracle Fountain; Canaria 15 1360 220

Windigo's Threat
Skeleton Commander Nortop Village; Lancinos 15 850 140
Passport Golundo; Brusoto 15 2040 520
Preparation before Battle Golundo; Dolph 15 2040 320
Defeating Windigo Golundo; Dolph 15 4250 680

Warriors' Weapons
Warriors' Weapons Golundo; Rogen 15 2040 320

Operation After An Operation
To the Center Golundo; Zion 15 850 140
Meaningless Conduct Nortop Village; Ardo 15 3400 540
Feels Like Fortune Is Smiling Nortop Village; Ardo 15 1360 220

Underground Tribe's Castle
Secrete of Dungeon Delfaras; Iva 15 8840 1230
Illegible Characters Delfaras; Iva 15 2760 370
Dungeon's Golem Delfaras; Joaquin 15 11060 1480
Remove Basarah's Right-hand Man Delfaras; Joaquin 15
Secrete of Dungeon Kuhn; Fodon 15 8840 1230
Illegible Characters Kuhn; Fodon 15 2760 370
Dungeon's Golem Kuhn; Syrien 15 11060 1480
Remove Basarah's Right-hand Man Kuhn; Syrien 15 11280 2100

Sumbras's Robe
Robe Materials Laflesia; Sumbras 15 2040 320
Unfinished Robe Laflesia; Sumbras 15 850 140
Unfinished Work Laflesia; Kariel 15 1360 220
Kariel's Reward Laflesia; Kariel 15 2040 320

Kiprosos' Message Laflesia; Halbol 15 850 140
Failed Negotiation Laflesia; Kiprosos 15 -> 0 2040 320
Declaration of War Laflesia; Kiprosos 15 3400 540
Document of Surrender Laflesia; Kiprosos 15 4250 680

Make a metamorphosis potion Delfaras; Jeriad 15 -> 17 40 200
The power of potion Delfaras; Jeriad 15 -> 17 40 200
Make a metamorphosis potion Golundo; Bura 15 -> 17 40 200
The power of potion Golundo; Bura 15 -> 17 40 200
Make a metamorphosis potion Norin; Iverick 15 -> 17 40 200

16-20 Level Arası​

Quests Area Level Exp Gold Şeklinde Ayrılmıştır..​

Merchant Guild And Bribes
Periodic Bribes Delfaras; Bless 16 2620 400
Bitter Feeling Delfaras; Bless 16 1090 170
The Pirate King's Treasure Triangle Village; Sydney 16 1740 270
Sweet Revenge Delfaras; Bless 16 2620 400
Compromise Triangle Village; Sydney 16 5450 840

Valley Of The Dead
The Meaning of Proof Delfaras; Marco 16 1090 170
Between Life and Death Delfaras; Iva 16 2620 400
Hidden Delfaras; Iva 16 4360 670

Ideally And Realistically
Rumor about Vissil Golundo; Brusoto 16 1090 170
Ring of Control Black Wave Village; Uto 16 2620 400
Ancient Charm Golundo; Trujillo 16 2620 400
Sacred Branch Golundo; Trujillo 16 2620 400
Vissil Hunting Golundo; Trujillo 16 5450 840

Under Watch
Special Measure Golundo; Zion 16 1090 170
Eyes of Observation Black Wave Village; Barkuk 16 4360 670
Potion of Observation Black Wave Village; Barkuk 16 1740 270

Kirk's Ragged Boots
Halbol's Request Laflesia; Halbol 16 2620 400
Kirk's Message Laflesia; Halbol 16 1090 170
Ragged Boots Laflesia; Kirk 16 1740 270
Kirk's Request Laflesia; Kirk 16 2620 400

Unsatisfied Dudain
Dudain's Message Laflesia; Daiscent 16 1090 170
Lost Pendant Laflesia; Dudain 16 2620 400
Dudain's Headache Laflesia; Dudain 16 4360 670
Despotic Dudain Laflesia; Dudain 16 5450 840

Treasure Map
Lizardman's Map Triangle Village; Sydney 17 5560 830
Retrieving Stolen Items Triangle Village; Sydney 17 2220 330
Himena's Call Triangle Village; Sydney 17 1390 210
Explosive Document Delfaras; Himena 17 3340 500
Finding Treasure Delfaras; Himena 17 3340 500

One Hundred Swords
Pickin's Call Tullan; Paparazzi 17 1390 210
Open up the Road Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 17 6950 1040
Sword Between the Rock Gnomes' Cave; Pickin 17 3340 500

Bandit's Stolen Items
Black Wave Village's Stolen Items Golundo; Morien 17 1390 210
Zion's Stolen Items Golundo; Brusoto 17 3340 500
Eliminating the Prime Cause Golundo; Brusoto 17 6950 1040

Mercenary's Revenge
Wounded Mercenaries Assassin Village; Parska 17 3340 500
Mercenary's Revenge Mercenary Village; Bobum 17 5560 830

Eyes Of Observation
Invisible Eye Golundo; Zion 17 1390 210
Magic Square Stone Black Wave Village; Barkuk 17 2220 330
Unfinished Quest Black Wave Village; Barkuk 17 3340 500

Obsessed Biltmos
Biltmos's Suggestion Tullan; Biltmos 17 13980 1440

A Preventable Death
Mediterus's Suggestion Trilgard; Mediterus 17 13980 1440

Glory And Radiance
Grote's Worries Laflesia; Grote 17 3340 500
Radiance from the East Laflesia; Grote 17 1390 210
Glory of the West Laflesia; Cariten 17 3340 500
In the Name of the Clan Laflesia; Cariten 17 2220 330

Cursed Alchemy
Ronendl's Fear Laflesia; Ronendl 17 1390 210
Robello's Research Laflesia; Robello 17 3340 500
Dreadful Broken Laflesia; Robello 17 5560 830
Cursed Alchemy Laflesia; Robello 17 6950 1040

Contest Between Blacksmiths
The Contest Begins Delfaras; Paparazzi 18 4220 610
Spreading Like Wildfire Delfaras; Paparazzi 18 4220 610
Mutual Competition Triangle Village; Bolpunch 18 2820 400
Inquiring about the Truth Delfaras; Paparazzi 18 1760 250
Truth Delfaras; Iva 18 8800 1270

Record Of The Hundred Swords
A Girl's Charm Tullan; Marco 18 4220 610
A Girl and a Deer Tullan; Pisarena 18 7040 1010
Master's Anger Tullan; Pisarena 18 4220 610

Near Death
Jewel of Observation Kuhn; Burke 18 4220 610
Information about the Enemy Kuhn; Montro 18 1760 250
Defeat Helldie Kuhn; Burke 18 8800 1270

Ornament Of Death
Lamia's Venom Kuhn; Guttsera 18 4220 610
Completion Kuhn; Tol Dulead 18 1760 250
A Polite Message Kuhn; Asku 18 2820 400

Go To Kuhn
A New Task Golundo; Zion 18 7040 1010
The Real Power Kuhn; Fodon 18 4220 610

Magical Bow
Hunting Laflesia; Telph 18 4220 610
Magical Arrow Laflesia; Telph 18 1760 250
Magic Materials Laflesia; Sumbras 18 4220 610
Telph's Bow Laflesia; Sumbras 18 2820 400

Another Menace
Kiprosos' Message Laflesia; Jeronin 18 1760 250
Monsters' Movement Laflesia; Kiprosos 18 7040 1010
Kiprosos' Message Laflesia; Kiprosos 18 4220 610
Kariel's Solution Laflesia; Kariel 18 8800 1270

Strong Force
Record of the Barriers Tullan; Beacon 19 2210 310
Asking for Help Delfaras; Pisarena 19 5300 740
Valuable Book Tullan; Beacon 19 5300 740
Losto's Relic Chest Tullan; Beacon 19 3540 490
Redsign's Defeat Tullan; Beacon 19 11050 1540

Tullan's Mathematician
Information Delfaras; Megara 19 2210 310
Genius Delfaras; Centergoras 19 8840 1230
Magic Stone of Drive Tullan; Genius 19 5300 740

Traces Of Trolls
Rumor Kuhn; Lagran 19 2210 310
Struggle for Leadership Kuhn; Burke 19 3540 490
Hidden Document Kuhn; Burke 19 5300 740
The Big Hunt Kuhn; Burke 19 8840 1230

Securing the Way Out Kuhn; Dodomon 19 5300 740
Eliminating the Captain Kuhn; Dodomon 19 11050 1540

Chances In The City
What to Do for the City Kuhn; Burke 19 2210 310
What to Do for Burke Kuhn; Fodon 19 5300 740

Megaswen's Special Dish
Daiscent's Request Laflesia; Daiscent 19 5300 740
Troll Meat Laflesia; Daiscent 19 2210 310
Ingredients of a Special Dish Laflesia; Megaswen 19 3540 490
Megaswen's Special Troll Steak Laflesia; Megaswen 19 5300 740

The Carpenter's Tool
Bro Wood(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)*er Laflesia; Tinkonel 19 2210 310
Lost Axe Laflesia; Bro Wood(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)*er 19 5300 740
Bro Wood(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)*er's Hunting Laflesia; Bro Wood(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)*er 19 8840 1230
Bro Wood(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)*er's Toolbox Laflesia; Bro Wood(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)*er 19 11050 1540

Lost Armor
The Prince's Armor Tullan; Arian 20 4420 590
The Big Boar and the Armor Tullan; Arian 20 6640 890
Call from All Directions Tullan; Arian 20 2760 370
A Guild's Role Model Tullan; Mohol 20 6640 890
Healing Tullan; Mohol 20 11060 1480

Eyes Of Observation
Boy's Call Tullan; Bulcan 20 2760 370
Mysterious Talisman Tullan; Genius 20 6640 890
Secret Observation Tullan; Genius 20 13830 1850

Divine Seashore
Divine Seashore Kuhn; Dason 20 13830 1850

Making Armors
Hunting Stone Eaters Kuhn; Tol Dulead 20 6640 890
Special Water Kuhn; Tol Dulead 20 4420 590
Power of Explosion Kuhn; Tol Dulead 20 6640 890
Plundering Kuhn; Tol Dulead 20 2760 370
Fair Compensation Kuhn; Burke 20 2760 370

Hidden Ones
Mask Removed Kuhn; Fodon 20 6640 890
The Hunting Kuhn; Fodon 20 11060 1480

Obsessed Biltmos
Forgotten Tomb Tullan; Biltmos 20 55940 5770

A Preventable Death
Mediterus's Test Trilgard; Mediterus 20 55940 5770

Dudain's Seduction
A request with No Reason Laflesia; Dudain 20 6640 890
Ancient Magic Book Laflesia; Dudain 20 2760 370
Boar's Tusk Laflesia; Neural 20 6640 890
Neural's Rejection Laflesia; Neural 20 4420 590

µå·¯³ª´Â À§Çù
Kariel's Message Laflesia; Millo 20 2760 370
Threat Laflesia; Kariel 20 11060 1480
Kaijan Laflesia; Kiprosos 20 13830 1850
Message to Deribel Laflesia; Kiprosos 20 6640 890

21-25 Level Arası​

Quests Area Level Exp Gold Şeklinde Ayrılmıştır..​

Wound From A Year Ago
Flower for the Dead Tullan; Beacon 21 2750 530
Waiting for the Letter Tullan; Beacon 21 2290 440
Preparing for Winter Tullan; Arian 21 5500 1070
Checking Tullan; Arian 21 2290 440
Mental Wound Tullan; Rope 21 5500 1070
Caron's Letter Tullan; Rope 21 9160 1780

Analysis Of Talisman
Empty Hand Tullan; Exerion 21 2290 440
Delivery of Talisman Tullan; Genius 21 2290 440
Material of Cube Tullan; Exerion 21 6870 1330
Direwolf Karkas Tullan; Exerion 21 6870 1330

The Secret
Dodomon's Feat Kuhn; Dodomon 21 2290 440
Ordering the Expedition Kuhn; Dason 21 2290 440
Sign of a Commander Kuhn; Burke 21 9160 1780

The Lost Parcel
Lost Article Kuhn; Hirirenus 21 6870 1330
Brother's Legacy Kuhn; Hirirenus 21 2290 440
A Noble's Parcel Kuhn; Hirirenus 21 5500 1070

Legacy Of Lamunesil
Trade with Trolls Kuhn; Burke 21 2290 440
The Mind of Mercenary's Kuhn; Dodomon 21 6870 1330
Lamunesil's Record Kuhn; Dodomon 21 5500 1070
Three Legacies Kuhn; Dodomon 21 2750 530

Obsessed Biltmos
The Meaning Inscribed on the Stone Tablet Tullan; Biltmos 21 97920 9700

A Preventable Death
Incurable Disease Trilgard; Mediterus 21 97920 9700

Wolf's Arrow
Broken Arrow Deribelle; Velven 21 2290 440
The Road of Joy Deribelle; Benincent 21 2750 530
Attack of the Bats Deribelle; Benincent 21 5500 1070
Arrow Deribelle; Benincent 21 2290 440

The Cursed
Siasien Deribelle; Siasien 21 2290 440
A Little Help Deribelle; Lintenluna 21 6870 1330
Ordinary Things Deribelle; Lintenluna 21 5500 1070
Sealed Curse Deribelle; Lintenluna 21 2290 440

Attack Of The Wolves
Direwolf Hunt Deribelle; Gonos 21 6870 1330
A Temporary Solution Deribelle; Gonos 21 9160 1780

Traces of Ellanjean Tullan; Cutty 22 8460 1580
Thieves' Guild Tullan; Cutty 22 2820 530
Hidden Document Tullan; Mohol 22 6770 1260
Diplomacy between Three Cities Tullan; Cutty 22 2820 530
The Promise Delfaras; Megara 22 2820 530
Failed Plan Tullan; Cutty 22 11280 2100

Tracking The Hundred Swords
Strangers' Document Tullan; Bulcan 22 8460 1580
Delivery of the Letter Tullan; Bulcan 22 2820 530
Going after the Letter Tullan; Genius 22 3380 630
New Request Tullan; Genius 22 6770 1260

Property Of Humans
Rob the Thieves Kuhn; Dason 22 2820 530
Suppressing the Thieves Kuhn; Dodomon 22 8460 1580
The Safe Keeper's Fault Kuhn; Dodomon 22 2820 530
Retrieving the Money Kuhn; Dodomon 22 6770 1260

Cleaning Shiphead Seashore
Selecting a Team Kuhn; Burke 22 2820 530
Allocation Kuhn; Seshi 22 6770 1260
Fighting Hillary Kuhn; Seshi 22 11280 2100

Lamunesil's Chest
Fodon's Anger Kuhn; Guttsera 22 2820 530
Second Chest Kuhn; Fodon 22 3380 630
Lamunesil's Necklace Kuhn; Fodon 22 8460 1580

Obsessed Biltmos
Record of the Tombstone Tullan; Biltmos 22 55100 5030

Beacon's Anxiety
Beacon's Anxiety Tullan; Beacon 22 113990 10840

A Preventable Death
A little Hope Trilgard; Mediterus 22 55100 5030

Dobrot's Anxiety
Dobrot's Anxiety Trilgard; Dobrot 22 113990 10840

Menta's Anxiety
Benincent's Proposal Deribelle; Benincent 22 2820 530
Menta's Gloves Deribelle; Menta 22 3380 630
Lost Gold Nugget Deribelle; Menta 22 6770 1260
Resolved Trouble Deribelle; Menta 22 2820 530

Lizio's Sealed Box
A Box of Everything Deribelle; Pilguen 22 2820 530
The Box's Lock Deribelle; Lizio 22 8460 1580
Attack of the Crows Deribelle; Lizio 22 6770 1260
Lizio's Sealed Box Deribelle; Lizio 22 2820 530

Evil Omen
Before the Storm Deribelle; Aratama 22 8460 1580
Lady Lien Deribelle; Aratama 22 11280 2100

Foolish Attempt
Flower of Curse Tullan; Ewan 23 8300 1490
Request for a Stick Tullan; Ewan 23 3460 620
Ghoul's Backbone Tullan; Bulcan 23 10380 1860
Ritual Staff Tullan; Bulcan 23 3460 620

Cooking Competition
Missing Food Tullan; Mary 23 8300 1490
Food Delivery Tullan; Mary 23 3460 620

Secret Of Green Dragon Cid
Expectations Tullan; Exerion 23 13840 2480
Analysis of Talisman Tullan; Exerion 23 3460 620
Delfaras' Librarian Tullan; Genius 23 10380 1860
A Record of Secrets Delfaras; Pisarena 23 4150 740

Seizing Power
Civil Militia Captain"" Kuhn; Lagran 23 3460 620
A Small Gift Kuhn; Mirku 23 4150 740
A Gift in Return Kuhn; Asku 23 10380 1860
Understanding the Situation Kuhn; Mirku 23 3460 620
How to Heal Asku Kuhn; Asku 23 8300 1490
Eliminating the Curse Kuhn; Vaihal 23 10380 1860

Third Chest
Losing the Initiative Kuhn; Fodon 23 3460 620
Lamunesil's Third Chest Kuhn; Dason 23 8300 1490
Whereabouts of the Chest Kuhn; Dason 23 3460 620
Fodon's Scheme Kuhn; Fodon 23 13840 2480

Obsessed Biltmos
The Hidden Truth Tullan; Biltmos 23 191250 16800

A Preventable Death
Last Chance Trilgard; Mediterus 23 191250 16800

Lurking Anger
Gonos' Past Deribelle; Berceluna 23 3460 620
Broken Dagger Deribelle; Gonos 23 4150 740
Scouting Deribelle; Gonos 23 8300 1490
Attack of the Voltexes Deribelle; Gonos 23 10380 1860

Remirabul Saibanel
Preparation for the Festival Deribelle; Hudian 23 3460 620
Boar Meat Deribelle; Hudian 23 10380 1860
Fire(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)(Sansürlü Kelime)*er Deribelle; Hudian 23 3460 620

Ghoul's Secret Creation Method
Strange Request Deribelle; Milo 23 3460 620
Ghoul's Bone Deribelle; Milo 23 8300 1490
Secret Methods Deribelle; Milo 23 13840 2480

Putting Oneself at Stake! Tullan; Rope 24 12660 2180
A Foolish Husband Tullan; Rope 24 4220 730
A Wise Wife Tullan; Mary 24 4220 730

Life Sap
A Soldiers' Efforts Tullan; Beacon 24 10130 1740
Collecting Life Sap Tullan; Beacon 24 5060 870
Contaminated Life Sap Tullan; Beacon 24 4220 730
Life Given by Air Miracle Fountain; Canaria 24 10130 1740

Magic Words
The Blacksmith's Complaints Tullan; Bulcan 24 4220 730
Ron's Magic Tullan; Ron 24 12660 2180
Guard the Servants Tullan; Ron 24 16880 2910

Bloody Skin
Bloody Skin Kuhn; Tol Dulead 24 10130 1740

Mercenary Commander
Orcherus's Proposal Kuhn; Dason 24 4220 730
Cloud Temple Kuhn; Burke 24 16880 2910

Sirocogo Astronomy Observatory
Lilyn Kuhn; Dason 24 12660 2180
Help from the Guild Kuhn; Dason 24 4220 730
Helping the Hunt Kuhn; Lagran 24 10130 1740
Wrong Judgment Kuhn; Lagran 24 4220 730
Staff of Astronomical Observation Kuhn; Vaihal 24 5060 870

Key Procurement
In Search of the Keys Kuhn; Fodon 24 4220 730
Troll Head Barom Kuhn; Fodon 24 12660 2180

Ancient Parcal Deribelle; Lizio 24 4220 730
Secret of the Pendant Deribelle; Lizio 24 5060 870
The Secret Deribelle; Dramaus 24 10130 1740
Satisfied Condition Deribelle; Dramaus 24 10130 1740

New Challenge
Velven's Gift Deribelle; Velven 24 4220 730
Strange Ingredient Deribelle; Nuincent 24 12660 2180
Nuincent's New Menu Deribelle; Nuincent 24 4220 730

Cost Of The Covenant
Kiriscent Deribelle; Aratama 24 4220 730
Monsters' Joint Attack Deribelle; Kiriscent 24 12660 2180
Resolution Deribelle; Kiriscent 24 16880 2910

Land For The Living
Fear of the Undead Tullan; Cutty 25 5130 850
The Law of Confrontation Tullan; Arian 25 12310 2030
Preparing for an Analysis Tullan; Cutty 25 15390 2540

Birthday Present
Noviel's Present Tullan; Noviel 25 6160 1020
Ermelen's Reply Tullan; Ermelen 25 5130 850
Noviel's Repeated Mistakes Tullan; Noviel 25 20520 3390

Sword Revealed
Fully Prepared Tullan; Bulcan 25 5130 850
Elemental's Revelation Tullan; Genius 25 12310 2030
Green Dragon Cid Tullan; Genius 25 15390 2540
Suspicion Tullan; Genius 25 5130 850

Messenger From The Land Of Death
Document of Death Kuhn; Dason 25 5130 850
Scroll of Death Kuhn; Vanita 25 12310 2030
Magic Letters Kuhn; Dason 25 5130 850
Sorcerer's Hand Kuhn; Vaihal 25 15390 2540

Ancient Enchantment
Operation without Preparations Kuhn; Lagran 25 5130 850
Marylith's Jar Kuhn; Montro 25 12310 2030
Hero Sword Kuhn; Montro 25 20520 3390

Fear Kuhn; Fodon 25 6160 1020
Detection Kuhn; Burke 25 5130 850
Secret Information Kuhn; Fodon 25 15390 2540

Archeologist Of Deribelle
Archeological Tool Deribelle; Kiriscent 25 5130 850
Spores of Joy Deribelle; Laurelluna 25 6160 1020
Attack of the Tentacles Deribelle; Laurelluna 25 12310 2030
Appraisal Tool Deribelle; Laurelluna 25 5130 850

Boring Life
Bored Yold Deribelle; Aratama 25 5130 850
Boring Box Deribelle; Yold 25 12310 2030
Boring Attack Deribelle; Yold 25 15390 2540
Yold's Emotion (appraisal?) Deribelle; Yold 25 5130 850

Dragon Bone's
Monster Ingredients Deribelle; Milo 25 15390 2540
Ingredients in Alchemy Deribelle; Milo 25 20520 3390
