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Black Pearl Information About 8 DG Sun Items

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan Deepblue
  • Başlangıç tarihi Başlangıç tarihi


~More Than Blue~
18 Nis 2007

8 DG Sun items will be added to the game with weekly maintenance on Monday, July 3rd. The prices and requirements of the Sun items will be as follows:

- Weapons: 7500 Gold Coin - 750 Arena Coin

- Shields: 3000 Gold Coin - 350 Arena Coin

- Gears: 2000 Gold Coin - 200 Arena Coin

- Accessories: 4000 Gold Coin - 300 Arena Coin

How to get the Arena Coins?

You can get them by participating in Battle Arena matches and killing uniqs. Every day, there will be activities such as guild matches, party matches, job matches and random matches during the day.

You will get 1 arena coin per killing an uniq.

What are the rules?

1-) In order to block bot characters Battle Arena enter level limit settled 80 Lvl.

2-) The Arena Coins will be non tradable. These coins will be very important for sun items also in order the protection of the value of the moon items the system is set too hard.

What are the rewards of Battle Arena?

1-) When you enter at Job, Random and Party match Winner team will get 3 Arena Coins and Defeated team will get 1 Arena Coin.

2-) When you participate in Guild Matches the prize will be more. Winner team will get 5 Arena Coins and Defeated team will get 3 Arena Coins.

How to get Gold Coins?

1-) In the game you can buy 1 gold coin for 1m from BlackPearl Shop and you can not get it in a different way.

What are the rules?

1-) There are no any trade restrictions for Gold coins.

For your information.

Best regards.