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Black Pearl Online Weekly Server Inspection 26.06.2017

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan Deepblue
  • Başlangıç tarihi Başlangıç tarihi


~More Than Blue~
18 Nis 2007

At Monday (26.06.2017 - 13:00 - 15:00 GMT+3) our server undergoing on weekly server inspection. At below you can see the list of changes considered to be done with maintenance:

  1. Pc will start as beta, if there are too many problems we will switch back to ip limit. (Online user amount might be decreased because after this update proxy chars wont be able to enter the server)
  2. DC problem when trying to merge (stack) itemmal pots will be fixed.
  3. Problem with bots not seeing arrows on Hotan city will be fixed.
  4. Cool down and level restirciton will be added to global chat. Eg: 10 level and above will be able send global every 60 secs at most.
  5. Still mobs like Ultra Blood Devil, Ishade, Hashade eg. spawning over each other at same spot, will be checked.
  6. We will make the flag on roc map transparent or remove it completely.
  7. Grab pet's range problem will be checked and if possible will be fixed.
  8. The sale price of 8DG sos items to npc will be fixed.
  9. The premium passage will be activated.
  10. Cool down limit and level limit will be added to all chat in the town like 10 level chars and above can type to all chat in 30 or 60 secs due to intensive spam.
  11. Last problematic dress and pieces of dresses left in the avatar shop will be removed.
  12. DG information will be added to gender switch tools.
  13. Fortress will be activated (Hotan, Jangan, Bandit)
  14. Battle Arena will be activated.
  15. Sun items will be added to npc.
  16. Some other minor bugs, performance and exploit fix works will be performed.
P.S. : There is no estimated time how long the inspection going to take.

For your information.

Best regards.
Server Online:

If you get missing .dll or exceed pc limit problem please download this file https://files.fm/u/bczb863m extract it and copy to your sro directory (replace with current one). If problem still persists after this please temporary disable your virus program and windows defender and try again.

If you are facing problem while update please download this mediapk (this media.pk2 also including the original roc map):
