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Black Pearl Weekly Server Notes 08.08.2017

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan Deepblue
  • Başlangıç tarihi Başlangıç tarihi


~More Than Blue~
18 Nis 2007

The changes has been made by weekly server inspection is as follows:

  1. New thief and trader suits added to Black Pearl Shop at Dw city near Black Smith NPC (10 Pcs).
  2. New wanted system added to the game, at the moment its not active we will test it and activate it within a few days.
  3. New Gladiator system added to the game, this also not active yet we will test it and activate it within a few days afterwards we will create a thread with the details of the system.
  4. New goldbless added but we are not sure of this and its effects on the game balance, we have deactivated it, we will make a poll and according to poll results we will decide to enable or keep it disabled.
  5. Game splash screens, char select screen, logo and loadings changed.
  6. Launcher notices actavated. Atm its only Turkish later we will add English notices aswell.
  7. Dw city job flag buying problem solved. Job Flags added to Black Pearl Shop whic is located near Black Smith NPC at Dw city.
  8. The price of low dg sun items (7 dg and below) lowered to a normal item price for beginners.
  9. 75k gold added to start for beginners.
  10. Grey Dragon Soul Helm and some other dresses trade problem solved.
  11. Premium remover scroll added to itemmal.
  12. Global chat price lowered from 100 silks to 75 silks.
  13. Skill edit potions price lowered from 50 silks to 15 silks.
  14. Charname change scroll price raised from 350 silks to 500 silks.
  15. Dw city chat limit restriction removed.
  16. Trading rates slightly raised.
  17. Taklamakan curst heart drop problem solved.
  18. Ads at above of the Dw map removed.
  19. Stat reset will be added to website market soon.
  20. Infrastructure work done for upcoming 90 cap upgrade at October 9.
  21. General performance and some minor bug & exploit fixes applied / made.
What Considered To be Done But Hasn't Done:

  1. Removing elites of uniqs, it caused a massive damage problem at game, we will take a look at it again next week.
  2. Isis damage problem also delayed because of massive damage problem that we've metioned at above.