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Destiny Exotic Silahlar ve Özellikleri Bilgi - Rehber

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23 Nis 2009
Damn Of Hell



- Hardlight
- Monte Carlo
- Necrochasm (DB)
- Suros Regime

- Vex Mythoclast

- Hawkmoon
- The Last Word
- Thorn

- Bad Juju
- Red Death

- MIDA Multi-Tool
- Fate of All Fools
- 347 Vesta Dynasty (HoW)

- No Land Beyond (DB)

- Universal Remote


- Plan C
- Pocket Infinity

- Invective
- 4TH Horseman (DB)
- Lord of Wolves (HoW)

- Ice Breaker
- Patience & Time


- Super Good Advice
- Thunderlord

- Gjallahorn
- Truth
- Dragon's Breath (DB)


Ana Perkler

Cascade: Sets reload speed at 150% of base after melee kills.
Clown Cartridge: Every reload has a 25% chance of a 20% magazine bonus.
Cluster Bomb (Rockets Only): Rocket detonation spawns cluster bombs.
Counterbalance: 9% bonus to recoil control.
Crowd Control - 15% bonus damage for three seconds after scoring a kill.
Double Down: Boosts available ammo when spawning.
Feeding Frenzy: Boosts reload speed to 120% of base after kills.
Final Round - 33% bonus damage on last shot in magazine.
Full Auto: Makes weapon full-auto, firing in its usual pattern with standard rate of fire.
Pulse rifles fire 3 rounds, pause, repeat.
Shotguns fire the entire clip quickly.
Scout rifles fire as fast as rate of fire allows.
Focused Fire (Suros Regime Only?): Reduced shot speed and increased damage when ADS.
Glass Half Full: Bottom half of magazine deals more damage.
Starts at 0% bonus at 50% of clip and scales up to 6% on the last shot of the magazine.
Grenades and Horseshoes (Rockets only): Rockets detonate when they come within two meters of a target.
Grenadier: Kills add 10% to grenade energy.
Hair Trigger: Fires the instant trigger pressure is detected.
Headseeker - 25% bonus precision damage on third hit of a burst.
Hip Fire: Increased accuracy when hipfiring.
Kneepads (Shotgun): Enables long slide while equipped.
Note: Does not stack with hunter’s long slide ability.
Life Support: Restore 50% of magazine and reload 150% faster after near-death (20% of health) kill.
Luck in the Chamber - 33% bonus damage on one round in the magazine.
Metal Detector (Uncommon Fusion Rifles Only): Increased chance for ammo drops.
Mulligan: 5% chance to reload a round into magazine per missed shot.
Outlaw: Extremely fast reload after precision kill.
Grants 150% base reload speed after precision kill.
Performance Bonus: 25% chance to grant bonus ammo into inventory on a kill.
6 ammo for pulse rifles, 3 for scout rifles, 2 for hand cannons, 5 for fusion rifles, 3 for machine guns, 1 for shotguns and sniper rifles.
Not available on legendary machine guns.
Persistence: Accuracy improves as you fire, up to 20%.
Private Eye (Scout Rifle): 50% bonus zoom when crouched.
Rangefinder: +10% bonus to Range, +20% bonus to damage falloff distance.
Reactive Reload: Reloading after a kill grants 33% bonus damage for three seconds.
Return to Sender: +25% chance to add a round to your inventory ammo after a kill.
Secret Round (Pulse Rifle only): Missing a shot in a burst grants a fourth round.
Shoot to Loot (Scout/Sniper only): Shoot ammo to pick it up.
Shot Package (Shotgun only): Narrows pellet spread while in ADS
Spray and Play: +50% faster base reload when magazine is empty.
Surplus: Doubles amount of ammo gained from each ammo pickup.
Take a knee: Accuracy improves when firing while crouched.
Tracking (Rockets only): Lock on tracking while ADS.
Tripod (Rockets only): Adds extra rocket to magazine.
Unflinching: Reduces flinch from incoming damage by 33%.
Vacuum: Doubles ammo pickup radius.
Who’s Next: 150% faster reloads after a kill.
Zen Moment: Stability increased with each hit, capping at 66% after five hits.

İstatistik Perkleri

Accelerated Coils (Fusion Rifle Only): +50 Charge Time
Armor Piercing Rounds: Rounds penetrate targets and walls
Custom Optics: +.5x zoom.
Enhanced Battery: Max magazine size, -30 Reload.
Explosive Rounds: Bullets detonate in 2 meter explosion on impact. Closer targets take more damage.
Extended Magazine: +30 magazine size (NOT 30 Rounds, 30/100)
Field Scout: +100 magazine, +80 inventory.
Fitted Stock: +25 Stability.
Flared Magwell: +100 Reload, -10 Stability.
Cuts “bloom” circle by 33%. High range weapons have smaller bloom circles.
Hammer Forged: +40 range, -10 reload.
Hand Loaded: Only found on rare weapons, +20 range.
Heavy Payload: +40 Blast Radius, -10 Velocity
High Caliber Rounds: Boosts flinch effect of shots
Javelin: +40 Velocity, -10 Stability.
Lightweight: +2 Agility when weapon is equipped.
Speed gains past 10 agility are increased, so hunters can greatly increase speed using this mod.
Perfect Balance: +35 Stability, -20 Range.
Quick Draw: +100 Handling, +10% Ready, +10% Away.
Send It: +50 Range, -30 Magazine and Inventory
Single Point Sling: +50% Ready and Away, +10% Movement Speed in or out of ADS.
For maxed agility hunters, Lightweight’s +2 agility bonus will outperform the +10% movement buff of SPS.
Skip Rounds: Increased chance of bullet ricochet
Snapshot: +30% ADS Speed.
Speed Reload (Rare weapons only): +50 Reload.

İkincil Perkler (Sadece Legendary'ler)

Clown Cartridge
Feeding Frenzy
Final Round
Firefly: Precision kills cause a 50 damage solar explosion in a 5-meter radius.
Full Auto
Hip Fire
Knee Pads
Life Support
Luck in the Chamber
Reactive Reload
Shot Package
Spray and Pray
Third Eye: Grants radar while in ADS.
Who’s Next

Exotic Perkleri

Volatile Light: (Hard Light) Rounds over penetrate and ricochet on hard surfaces.
Monte Carlo Method: (Monte Carlo) Dealing damage with this weapon reduces your melee cooldown. Likely 10%
SUROS Regime: (Suros Regime…?) Bottom half of magazine deals bonus damage and has chance to return health when dealing damage.
Holding Aces: (Hawkmoon) Two more bullets in your magazine deal considerable bonus damage.
Last Word: (Last Word) Bonus damage and stability. Extra precision damage when hip firing.
Mark of the Devourer: (Thorn) Rounds pierce targets and deal damage over time.
String of Curses: (Bad Juju) Weapon reloads instantly and increases damage after a kill.
Red Death: (Red Death) Each kill heals you and speeds up reloads.
MIDA Multi-Tool: (MIDA Multi-Tool) Weapon boosts move speed and fires on a hair trigger.
Plan C: (Plan C) Charge and equip times are very short after switching to this weapon.
Pocket Infinity: (Pocket Infinity) Fires in full auto mode and has a chance to return missed shots.
Invective: (Invective) Regenerates ammo over time. (6 shells every 30 sec?)
Ice Breaker: (Ice Breaker) Victims spontaneously combust, dealing AOE damage.
No Backpack: Regenerates ammo over time.
Patience and Time: (Patience and Time) Active camo while ADS.
Super Good Advice: (Super Good Advice) Almost all shots that miss are returned to magazine.
Lightning Rounds: (Thunderlord) Weapon fires faster and more accurately the longer the trigger is held.
Wolfpack Rounds: (Gjallarhorn) Rounds fired split into tracking cluster missiles upon detination.
Prototype Trueseeker: (Truth) Aggressive heat seeking rounds.