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Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 DataPack v2.0 (Pes 2014 Data Paketi v2)


~More Than Blue~
18 Nis 2007

PES 2014 Data Paketi 2'nin Getirdikleri :

- Yenilenmiş takım listeleri (Güncel transferler dahil)
- 11'e 11 takım maçları
- Ek rekabet modu özellikleri
- 800 den fazla yeni yüz
- Mevcut bazı yüzlerde değişiklikler yapıldı, bunların bazıları : Manchester United'ta Da Silva ikizleri, Boca Juniors' Riquelme, Real Madrid'te Isco, ve İngiltere'de Jack Wilsher gibi...
- Turnuvalar moduna Online turnuvalar ve Master Ligi turnuvaları eklendi
- Takım oyunu lobisi eklendi
- Oyun ayarlarında'da belli başlı değişiklik ve yenilikler yapıldı ancak Konami bu değişiklikleri tam olarak belirtmedi.

İndirme Linki (892 MB) : ncrypt.in/folder-lz1mHxzN

Orjinal İngilizce Açıklamlar :


TrueBall Tech: PES 2014 centers everything thing on the ball: how it moves and how players use it. First touch and sublime control is what set certain players apart from others. The ability to not only read a pass, but to be one step ahead and to know what is needed to gain yards on an encroaching defender. TrueBall Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed barycentric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player’s body will automatically shape to receive it.
Motion Animation Stability System (M.A.S.S.): The physical combat between players is a vital part of a match, and the new M.A.S.S. component simulate the bodily contact between multiple players within tailored animations that segue seamlessly into each other. Rather than a series of pre-set animations that occur under specific circumstances, M.A.S.S. reacts instantly to any situation, with the reaction of a fouled player entirely dependent on the direction and force with which they are tackled. Dependent on factors such as their size and power, players will stumble but instantly recover if clipped, barge others off the ball, and use their stature to block players from possession. Similarly, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 now has more styles of tackle, as opposed to basic foot in or sliding types.
Heart: Each player in the game now employs mental attributes in addition to playing styles and skills, and can be adversely affected when having a poor game. However, if an individual is not playing well, his team mates can rally round and will work to support him. The cauldron effect of a vibrant stadium will showcase the mood of the fans, with all-new sound effects combining with stunning AI systems to create a palpable match day atmosphere.
PES ID: Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 set a new bar for realism, with its inclusion of the Player ID system. For the first time, players could instantly recognize a player by their faithfully recreated running and play styles. The way a player ran, moved and spread the ball about would be identical to that of their real-life counterpart, and Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 featured 50 players that utilised the system.
Team Play: Via the new game’s innovative Combination Play users can set up a variety of different tactics in key areas of the pitch using three or more players. These players will make very different off-the-ball runs to exploit holes in the defence or midfield, using the flanks, curved runs, or overlapping play to make themselves available. These moves can be pre-set to key areas of the field, allowing users to exploit defensive weaknesses beforehand.
Professional Consultation: The PES Productions team has undergone several years of consultation with both Pro Evolution Soccer and football fans related to key elements of the series are able to implement a wide range of additional improvements.

Genre: Sports
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 DataPack v2.0-BAT
SIZE: 892 MB