SbotAC Paid Nedir derseniz şöyleki bir kere ayar yapıyosun bir arkana yaslanıyosun herşeyi o hallediyor. Ayrıca SBot'un sitesinde önerilen bir programdır ve %100 sbot ile uyumludur.
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Q. How much does SBot AC (Paid) cost?
A. The price is set at £2.20 / $3.42 or 2.66 Euros for 1 month usage, with 2 PC. (paypal only)
Q. How do I purchase SBot AC (Paid)?
A. Visit this link: payments/sbotac.php
Q. Why should I consider buying SBot AC (Paid)?
A. The paid version gets priority when updates are needed, which can save several hours of waiting for a new version, and is constantly developed with new features enhancing it above and beyond the free version.
Q. How do I know SBot AC is safe and won't be used to steal my account information?
A. and theoneofgod have done their best to ensure your accounts safety and have no intentions of stealing your account. We are not here to pressure you into downloading these tools if you have any hesitation. SBot AC is use at your own risk just like any tool on the internet.
Q. I just bought SBot AC (Paid), what's next?
A. Read the SBot AC (Paid) Starter Guide at viewtopic.php?f=46&t=2122. Then, if you would like a complete breakdown of the program, come back and read this thread. Also, a new section on the forums will be open to you, titled "Paid Users" with 4 sections. Utilize this area to gain more expertise on SBot AC and share your thoughts.
Note: I have removed the 'Logging In' & 'Connected' section from the below images.
Note2: Click a number (X.X.X. format) at the end of a description to go to that specific section.
Note3: The best way to find all of SBot AC's features is to right click on various parts of the program.
Notable features you may not know about!
3.7.1. Accounts Tab - Character Settings Window
To jump to a specific section, click one of the outlined images below.
1. Menu Section
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1.1. File Menu
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- Reset Settings - Resets SBot AC to default. Any of your changes will be erased.
Tip: If you're having problems with SBot AC and can't find a solution, try this.- Restart Program without Auto Sign In - Will restart SBot AC without going past the sign in screen.
Tip: Useful if you get a new password for your SBot AC (Paid) account.- Exit - Closes the program.
Tip: To disable confirm prompt, go to Options > On Program Exit > Exit Confirm.
1.2. Options Menu
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This menu is where most tweaks and customization's will occur. Take time to go through it.
Enabled settings will have a check mark next to them. Click to enable/disable an option.
- General Settings - Gives you the option to customize many SBot AC features.1.2.1.
- Always on Top - Always keeps SBot AC on top of all other windows.
- Minimize to Tray - Sends SBot AC to the tray instead of the taskbar when minimized.
- Snap to Screen - Lets you drag SBot AC to the sides of your screen and fits to it.
- Choose Sound Alerts - Allows you to change SBot AC's default sounds to your own. 1.2.2.
- Enable Sounds - Gives you the option to enable or disable SBot AC's sounds.
- Integrated SBot Chat - Embeds chat in the Chat tab when Enabled. See 1.3.8. when disabled.
- Failed Logins - Gives you access to change what SBot AC does with failed logins. 1.2.3.
- Client Fails (client loading solution) - Change what SBot AC does when client fails to load. 1.2.4.
- On Program Startup - Lets you control what happens when SBot AC starts. 1.2.5.
- On Program Exit - Lets you control what happens when you exit SBot AC. 1.2.6.
1.2.1. General Settings
back to 1.2.
SBot AC will run efficiently with the default settings, changing values is for user preference.
General Settings
- Max logging in clients - Maximum clients to try "logging in" at one time.
Tip: Only set higher with high-end PC & expected server traffic. Set lower with lower-end PC.- Login delay (seconds) - Delay before starting another client after one attempts to login.
Tip: Set a delay for a lower-end PC. Most current PC's shouldn't need a delay.- Label refresh rate (ms) - Amount of milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) before refreshing the label.
Tip: Shouldn't need to change as it is a minimal component to SBot AC.- Mini map refresh rate (ms) - Amount of milliseconds (5000 = 5 seconds) before refreshing mini map.
Tip: Shouldn't need to change, even if you don't use the mini map.- Account Info symbol - Symbol shown in Accounts tab for enabled features.
Tip: The default 'Y' symbol is an easy way to think of an enabled feature as 'Yes'.- Start AC Hotkey - Instead of pushing Start AC / Stop AC you can set a hotkey to do the same.
Tip: You usually don't need to toggle Start AC / Stop AC. Not an essential hotkey.- Secondary login server - If the primary login server fails the program will try this server.
Tip: May be useful to set a secondary login server incase your primary login server goes down.
GUI Style
- Layout - Gives you 4 different types of GUI styles you can use.
Tip: Style 2 & 3 have a 'Logs' tab while Style 1 & 4 add it to the main GUI. Find your preference.- Time Format - Lets you choose between a 12 or 24 hour time format.
Tip: Changing this will impact the Logs time stamp, use the time format you're used to.- Colour - Change the program color of SBot AC, everything that was green will change.
Tip: The green is easy to read, make sure to choose a readable color if you change this.
Other Settings
- Color log reports - Gives different colors to different actions. Deaths, logins, etc.
Tip: Color coding makes it easier to find things such as deaths, which may be important to check on.- Show startup splash screen - The loading splash screen adds approx. 5 seconds to startup.
Tip: SBot AC will start-up immediately after signing in if this is unchecked.- Save logs to file - Saves all logs to a 'Logs' folder in your SBot AC directory.
Tip: If you're the type to ignore SRO and bot the days away you can uncheck this.- Show tray tip information - Alerts you from the tray about changes to your characters.
Tip: Like above, if you ignore SRO and have a stable party you can uncheck this.- Show MM/DD/YYYY in log - Adds a date stamp to your logs.
Tip: Again like above, if you bot the days away and ignore SRO you can uncheck this.- Check for updates periodically - Periodically checks and alerts you of SBot AC updates.
Tips: Make sure this is checked if you like to stay up-to-date with your programs.- Show Character Information - When you hover over a character in accounts tab, a tooltip is displayed.
Tip: This gives you easy access to see what's enabled or disabled on your characters.- Old Character Settings - When you right click a charcter in accounts tab, the old settings will display.
Tip: The new settings (3.7.1.) give you much improved control over your character compared to the old settings.
SBot Checks
Most of these options are linked with SBot, most will be checked based on your SBot settings.
- Restart client at LOGINERROR - will restart the client instead trying on the same client.
Tip: Usually restarting the client isn't necessary, but may prevent a client from getting stuck on LOGINERROR.- Restart client when 0 chars found - Restarts the client if no character is found.
Tip: SRO may bug at login and no character will show up, this may save you hours of lost botting.- Dead character - Checks if SBot's dead character option is checked.
- Full inventory - Checks if SBot's full inventory option is checked.
- Broken weapon - Checks if SBot's broken weapon option is checked.
- Scrolling back bug - Checks if there is a bug while scrolling back.
- Scrolling back due to lag - Checks for lag and scrolls back if there is too much.
- Couldn't locate NPC - Checks if an NPC isn't able to be located.
- No info about NPC - Checks if the NPC doesn't display any information.
- Back to town - Back to town options checked on SBot.
- Attacked by. "Show names of attackers must be enabled" - Displays who attacked you.
Tip: To enable names of attackers on SBot go to 'Extra' -> Check the third option from the top.- No return scrolls - Checks if SBot's walk back on no return scrolls is checked.
1.2.2. Choose Sound Alerts
back to 1.2.
Be aware that SBot AC comes with default sounds, change this only for preference.
- To change a sound alert:
1. Click one of the actions in the "Reason" column.
2. Click browse and find the .wav, .mp3, etc. file you want to use.
3. Click play to test the notification or go to step 4.
4. Click insert and the file will now override the default sound for that action.
1.2.3. Failed Logins
back to 1.2.
- [Failed Logins] Attempts - Amount of login attempts before halting.
Tip: If SBot AC takes more than 5 attempts there may be an inspection or issue. 5 is recommended.- [Failed Logins] Amount of Time to Halt Logins (minutes) - Time to halt login before retrying.
Tip: Assuming an inspection, less time will maximize SBot AC's ability to get back online.- [Failed Logins] Remove Auto Login - Instead of halting, remove character auto login.
Tip: If you share a computer this may be useful so SBot AC doesn't bother others for hours.- Remove Auto Login when Bot Time Expires - When your bot time expires it will stop attempting to login.
Tip: SBot AC won't work if your bot time expired, this option will prevent constant login attempts.- Remove Auto Login when Char Already Logged in - Turns off auto login if character is online.
Tip: Consider this if you share your account and don't want SBot AC to continue trying to login.
1.2.4. Client Fails (client loading solution)
back to 1.2.
- Amount of "Client failed to load" - Set amount of client fails before doing option below.
Tip: Choose disable if you want SBot AC to keep trying to login without doing anything else.
1. Reboot System
2. Shutdown System
3. Stop Auto Connect
4. Close all SBot / SRO Clients
Tip: Usually a reboot will fix the issue, and will help maximize your time online.
1.2.5. On Program Startup
back to 1.2.
- Run AC at system startup - Loads SBot AC when your computer starts.
Tip: Maximizes your time online as it will load after any computer restart, and you might be AFK.- Interval before Auto Connect (minutes) - The time SBot AC waits until automatically starting.
Tip: Low-end PC may benefit from a 5-10 minute wait, while most computers can use the 1 minute interval.- Minimize to tray - Minimizes SRO to the tray instead of being an active window at startup.
Tip: User preference, leaving unchecked gives you easier access after a PC restart.- Recover memory - Automatically starts SBot AC's memory recover feature.
Tip: If you use the memory recover feature (Tools > Memory Recover) this is recommended.
1.2.6. On Program Exit
back to 1.2.
- Exit Confirmation - Gives you a confirmation box when you try to close SBot AC.
Tip: This may save you from accidentally closing SBot AC. It's recommended to leave checked.
1. Do Nothing
2. Hide SBot
3. Show SBot
4. Close SBot
Tip: Show SBot allows you to always access the SBot's even if you close SBot AC.
1.3. Tools Menu
back to 1.
- Open Info Bar - Displays character info in a small bar to promote screen space. 1.3.1.
Tip: Useful if you want to keep an eye on your characters without keeping SBot AC open.- Extra Party List - Opens a window with your current party for easy managing. 1.3.2.
Tip: This displays Auto-PT and Auto-Res settings unlike the Statistics tab party section.- Update SBot - Opens a window that performs easy SBot updating. 1.3.3.
Tip: Useful to update the SBot version, but make sure there's an SBot AC version updated for it.- Auto Spammer - Opens a window to set up a character to spam chat. 1.3.4.
Tip: Useful if you add a stall character to SBot AC to advertise items.- Item / Storage Copier - Copies the item.dat/storage.dat items of one character to another. 1.3.5.
Tip: Useful if you set up one characters item/storage and don't want to manually copy/paste.- Proxy List (proxy login for SBot) - Allows you to login a character through a proxy.
- Auto Shutdown - Lets you schedule your characters to login, logout, etc. 1.3.6.
Tip: Useful if you share your account or want to access your account on another computer.- Memory Recover - Opens the memory recovery window. 1.3.7.
Tip: If you have Options > On Program Startup > Recovery Memory, checked this will be running.- SBot Chat - Opens a new window to chat. 1.3.8.
Tip: Options > Integrated SBot Chat must be disabled. The chat tab will now open the same window.- Online Character Statistics - Lets you view your character stats on
Tip: Useful to check your characters through a webpage.
1.3.1. Open Info Bar
back to 1.3.
- topmost - Puts the Info Bar above all other windows.
- R - This button refreshes the window list.
1.3.2. Extra Party List
back to 1.3.
1.3.3. Update SBot
back to 1.3.
- To update SBot:
1. Click 'check for new version' or manually enter a known version. Click the '?' for more info.
2. Hit download.
3. Check the boxes next to all your characters.
4. Enter the previous SBot version if one exists in your SBot AC directory, so it can be replaced.
5. Check the three boxes to successfully extract and replace the new SBot version.
6. Hit run to proceed.
1.3.4. Auto Spammer
back to 1.3.
- To use auto spammer:
1. Highlight character(s)
2. Enter text to spam
3. Set update interval
4. Hit update
5. Select character(s) to run when start is selected
5. Click start
1.3.5. Item / Storage Copier
back to 1.3.
The '?' button will give you the same directions as below.
- To use item / storage copier:
1. Select character on left
2. Select character(s) on right
3. Click Go
1.3.6. Auto Shutdown
back to 1.3.
You can do character specific time control, stop SBot AC auto connect, and/or Shutdown PC.
- To use auto shutdown:
1. Choose date & time for the action
2. Choose character
3. Choose mode (action to do)
4. Check the boxes to enable
5. Click insert to insert time, then click enable to stop SBot at selected time
6. Click insert to insert time, then click enable to shutdown PC at selected time
1.3.7. Memory Recover
back to 1.3.
- To use memory recover
1. Select SRO_Client and/or System clean.
2. Select when to automatically recover. Time based or low memory based.
3. Select characters to run when Start is selected.
4. Click Start.
1.3.8. SBot Chat
back to 1.3.
- Unfocused Transparency - The opacity amount when not the active window.
Tip: 100% will make it a regular window, closer to 0% will make it more transparent when not active.
1.4. Help Menu
- Remaining Service Time - Manually check your remaining service time.
- Renew Subscription... - Takes you to the page to renew SBot AC.
- Check for Updates - Allows you to manually check for an SBot AC update.
- Forum (bug reports, support)... - Takes you to the page.
- Changelog - Displays a window with the changes in each SBot AC version.
- About SBot AC - Displays SBot AC & SBot versions, program coder, and site link.
1.5. Total Gold / Total Drops Display
Changes between displaying Total Gold & Total Drops approximately every 10 seconds
2. Window Section
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Right click a SBot character window to see the window in 2.1.
Right click a SRO character window to see the window in 2.2.
Right click a blank space to see the options in 2.3.
- Tip: Double left click a character to toggle its St (State): H (Hidden) <-> V (Visible).
2.1. Window Section - SBot Character Options
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- Tip: Useful to check your characters inventory & to quickly start/stop training.
2.2. Window Section - SRO Character Options
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- Tip: Useful to resize SRO windows and use the Hold V option.
2.3. Window Section - SBot Window Options
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- Tip: Choosing All Windows will allow you to hide any active program on your PC.
3. Tab Section
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By default the Logs tab will open if Options > General Settings > GUI Settings > Style 2 or 3 is used.
3.1. Statistics Tab
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Highlight a character in the SBot Windows window and this tab will have active stats.
3.2. Mini Map Tab
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- Tip: To change update frequency go to Options > General Settings > Mini Map refresh rate (ms).
3.3. Chat Tab
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To get the embedded chat (default chat), as seen below, go to Options > Integrated SBot Chat.
When Integrated SBot Chat is disabled the chat tab will open the the same window as Tools > SBot Chat.
3.4. Global Info Tab
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- Tip:Right click a character > reset to reset info
3.5. Training Area Tab
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Right click an added area, as seen below, to see the options in 3.5.1.
- To use training area tab:
1. Manually enter a name for the training area.
2. Manually enter X, Y, Z coordinates & a radius.
Tip: Left click a character in the SBot Windows window to add their location to fields 1 & 2.
3. Click add.
4. Alternatively, select the mob you want to train on and select set coords.
5. Alternatively, select Map..., click a spot on the map, & select add to training area.
3.5.1. Training Area - Options
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Gives you the ability to override a current characters training area with the chosen area.
- Tip: Useful if you run your own party, insert the coords to the other characters through SBot AC.
3.6. Server List Tab
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- Tip: To have a server appear at the top, right click that server and click favorite server.
3.7. Accounts Tab
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Right click a character to see the window in 3.7.1.
Right click a blank space to see the options in 3.7.2.
- Tip: A default login server will be used if you do not choose a specific one.
Tip2: AL = Auto Login -- PL = Proxy Login -- PC = Proxy Check -- SB = Start Bot.
3.7.1. Accounts Tab - Character Settings Window
back to 3.7.
To see this, Options > General Settings > Other Settings > Old Character Settings must be disabled.
This gives you maximum control of your character(s), take the time to go through this.
- Tip: To increase PC performance, Resize SRO [1x1] and Hide Characters (Hold V) will help.
Tip2: If your powerleveling low levels, use the Auto Stat and Auto Mastery features.
Tip3: Hidden Login (beta) is still in beta, you may want to leave unchecked to avoid any bugs.
3.7.2. Accounts Tab - All Character Options
back to 3.7.
This allows you to change the status of all your characters at once instead of individually.