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War of the Immortals (WOI) - Join Us

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1 Kas 2021
~WOI Mortal~
War of the Immortals 2.5D MMORPG
Fast Leveling | 300x Drop • 300x Exp | Fast Progress

Join us in WOI Mortal!

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Finding a good mmorpg that you can try all classes with ease? ✔️
Finding a good mmorpg that you can boss and pvp all day round? ✔️
Finding a good mmorpg that you can keep playing even when old? ✔️
Finding a good mmorpg that you can be top and free to play? ✔️

Welcome to WOI Mortal - War of the Immortals (WOI)

4 Physical Classes | 5 Magical Classes

Berzerker - Champion - Slayer - Ranger | Magus - Heretic - Duelist - Enchantress - Harbringer

Based on Norse Mythology storyline quest. Comes with 9 classes of choices to pick on!
Each comes with unique class skills, including powerful upgradable Divine Skills

Uniquely with its Double Class System, you will get to own 2 classes of your choice!
You can easily reset and change your class just to try out all of the classes.
You can make use of this unique feature and switch between your classes during pvp as well.

Filled with 100 over Unique Pets, Unique Fashions, Beautiful Gears and Mounts!
Pets are powerful when it fuse with you with Pet Fusion System, giving you
a superb power boost !
Elegant yet powerful gears and fashions you can equip and showcase your strength and power in rankings!
With Essence Card and Relic System, your power are beyond imagination with the variety of builds available!

There must be one that suits your taste!

Be the Emperor of the game by winning the Bi-Weekly Battle Royale up to 900 players!!!

Oh, and wait, that's not all..
You get to keep progression for monsters, bosses and events you took part in and you get rewarded for it!
Feats of Heroism System, a rewarding and title flashing system that have goals to meet while
keeping track of your progress like finishing the entire questlines, slaying 5000 bosses,
and much more!

With continuous updates from us,
You are assured there will be new Fashion, Gears, Pets, Skills, Bosses,
Mass PvP and PvE Gameplay Events waiting for you!

With extraordinary look and feel, it will be in your liking once you get your hands on!

Whether you like pvp or pve or even prefer to just afk vending,
you will eventually find this game as the perfect hidden gem game you will love!


WOI Mortal is the longest lasting WOI game server since 2016,
with ages ranging from 16 to 60 years old, you are never too old to play!

Filled with caring players community and GMs that will help you with guidance, requests and tickets support!

We focus on Free to Play, Fast to Progress gameplay style!
Offering you FREE HOURLY 3500 ZEN (Game Currency) per account
*up to 2 accounts while you stay online

That's 5,000,000 ZEN a month for your spending spree!!!


Live Record


Pet Showcase 1

Pet Showcase 2
Pet Showcase 3
Pet Showcase 4
Pet Showcase 5
Pet Showcase 6

Easy to learn and catch up!
We welcome you to the unforgettable mmorpg you will ever play!

JOIN US in WOI Mortal!
