
Warcraft: Orcs and Humans Öncesi
- Death From Above
- The Well of Eternity
- The Demon Soul
- The Sundering
- The War of the Shifting Sands
- Rise of the Horde
- Unbroken
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness ve Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
- Tides of Darkness
- Beyond the Dark Portal
- Day of the Dragon
- Lord of the Clans
- Of Blood and Honor
- Road to Damnation
- Ashbringer (4 bölümlük bir çizgi roman serisi)
- World of Warcraft: Death Knight (manga)
- Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy (3 bölümlük bir manga serisi)
- Vol'jin: The Judgment
- Cycle of Hatred
- Arthas: Rise of the Lich King
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
- Night of the Dragon
- World of Warcraft: The Comic (4 bölüm, 25 sayılık bir çizgi roman)
- World of Warcraft: Mage (manga)
- Garrosh Hellscream: Heart of War
- Lor'themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun
- Pearl of Pandaria (graphic novel)
- Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night
- Stormrage
- The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm
- World of Warcraft: Shaman (manga)
- The Council of Three Hammers: Fire and Iron
- World of Warcraft: Dark Riders (grafik roman)
- Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short
- Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of Faith
- Baine Bloodhoof: As Our Fathers Before Us
- Gallywix: Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince
- World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen (5 bölümlük bir çizgi roman serisi)
- Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack
- Wolfheart
- Velen: Prophet's Lesson
- Varian Wrynn: Blood of Our Fathers
- Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
- Charge of the Aspects
- World of Warcraft: Bloodsworn (çizgi roman)
- Quest for Pandaria
- Li Li's Travel Journal (11 bölümlük bir seri)
- Trial of the Red Blossoms
- Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War
- Dawn of the Aspects (5 bölümlük bir seri)
- Death From Above
- Bleeding Sun
- The Blank Scroll
- Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde
- War Crimes