
Bu rehber, bir World of Warcraft oyuncusunun görev yaparak ilerlemesi gereken haritalar zincirini içermektedir. Sıraya göre ilerlemeniz zorunlu değildir. Örneğin, Redridge Mountains'te seviye 20-25 olan bir Alliance oyuncusu Duskwood'u es geçip Northern Stranglethorn'a ilerleyebilir.

- Gilneas > Gilneas City: Worgen (1-12)
- Northshire > Elwynn Forest: Human (1-12)
- Coldridge Valley > Dun Morogh: Dwarf (1-12)
- New Tinkertown > Dun Morogh: Gnome (1-12)

Güney Eastern Kingdoms
- Westfall (10-15)
- Redridge Mountains (15-20)
- Duskwood (20-25)
- Northern Stranglethorn (25-30)
- The Cape of Stranglethorn (30-35)
- Loch Modan (10-20)
- Wetlands (20-25)
- Arathi Highlands (25-30)
- The Hinterlands (30-35)

- Western Plaguelands (35-40)
- Eastern Plaguelands (40-45)
- Badlands (44-48)
- Searing Gorge (47-51)
- Burning Steppes (49-52)
- Swamp of Sorrows (51-55)
- Blasted Lands (55-60)

- Sunstrider Isle > Eversong Woods: Blood Elf (1-12)
- Deathknell > Tirisfal Glades: Undead (1-12)

- Ghostlands yada Silverpine Forest (10-20)
- Hillsbrad Foothills (20-25)
- Northern Stranglethorn (25-30)
- The Cape of Stranglethorn (30-35)
- Arathi Highlands (25-30)
- The Hinterlands (30-35)

- Western Plaguelands (35-40)
- Eastern Plaguelands (40-45)
- Badlands (44-48)
- Searing Gorge (47-51)
- Burning Steppes (49-52)
- Swamp of Sorrows (51-55)
- Blasted Lands (55-60)

- Shadowglen > Teldrassil: Night Elf (1-12)
- Ammen Vale > Azuremyst Isle: Azuremyst Isle (1-12)

- Bloodmyst Isle yada Darkshore (10-20)
- Ashenvale (20-25)
- Stonetalon Mountains (25-30)

Batı ve Kuzey Kalimdor
- Desolace (30-40)
- Feralas (35-40)
- Thousand Needles (40-45)
- Felwood (45-50)
- Winterspring (50-55)
- Silithus (55-60)
- Southern Barrens (30-35)
- Dustwallow Marsh (35-40)
- Thousand Needles (40-45)
- Tanaris (45-50)
- Un'Goro Crater (50-55)
- Silithus (55-60)

- Kezan > The Lost Isles: Goblin (1-12)
- Valley of Trials > Durotar: Orc (1-12)
- Echo Isles > Durotar: Troll (1-12)
- Camp Narache > Mulgore: Tauren (1-12)

- Northern Barrens yada Azshara (10-20)
- Ashenvale (20-25)
- Stonetalon Mountains (25-30)

Batı ve Kuzey Kalimdor
- Desolace (30-40)
- Feralas (35-40)
- Thousand Needles (40-45)
- Felwood (45-50)
- Winterspring (50-55)
- Silithus (55-60)
- Southern Barrens (30-35)
- Dustwallow Marsh (35-40)
- Thousand Needles (40-45)
- Tanaris (45-50)
- Un'Goro Crater (50-55)
- Silithus (55-60)
Hellfire Peninsula (58-63) > Zangarmarsh (60-64) > Terokkar Forest (62-65) > Nagrand (64-67) > Blade's Edge Mountains (65-68) > Netherstorm (67-70) & Shadowmoon Valley (67-70)
Northrend (70-80)
Borean Tundra (68-72) & Howling Fjord (68-72) > Dragonblight (71-75) > Grizzly Hills (73-75) > Zul'Drak (74-76) > Sholazar Basin (76-80) > Icecrown (77-80) & The Storm Peaks (77-80)
Cataclysm (80-85)
Mount Hyjal (80-82) & Vashj'ir (80-82) > Deepholm (82-83) > Uldum (83-84) > Twilight Highlands (84-85)
Pandaria (85-90)
The Jade Forest (85-86) > Krasarang Wilds (86-87) & Valley of the Four Winds (86-87) > Kun-Lai Summit (87-88) >Townlong Steppes (88-89) > Dread Wastes (89-90) > Vale of Eternal Blossoms (90)
Draenor (90-100)
Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance) / Frostfire Ridge (Horde) [90-92] > Gorgrond (92-94) > Talador (94-96) > Spires of Arak (96-98) > Nagrand (98-100) > Tanaan Jungle (100)