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WoW Dun Morogh Görev Listesi (World of Warcraft Dun Morogh Görev Listesi)


23 Nis 2009
Damn Of Hell


Dun Morogh, Dwarf ve Gnome ırklarının başlangıç bölgesidir. Dwarflar, Coldridge Valley'de ve Gnomelar New Tinkertown'da oyuna başlar, buradaki görevlerini tamamladıktan sonra Kharanos'a doğru yola çıkarak Dun Morogh maceralarına başlarlar.

Bu başlığımızda, Dun Morogh görevlerini sırasıyla listeleyeceğiz.

Coldridge Valley (Dwarf Başlangıç)

  1. Hold the Line!
  2. Give 'em What-For / Aid for the Wounded
  3. Lockdown in Anvilmar
  4. Şu görevlerin hepsini tamamlayın:
  5. Whitebeard Needs Ye
  6. The Troll Menace & Trolling for Information
  7. Ice and Fire
  8. A Trip to Ironforge
  9. Follow that Gyro-Copter
  10. Pack Your Bags
  11. Don't Forget About Us
New Tinkertown (Gnome Başlangıç)

  1. Pinned Down
  2. Report to Carvo Blastbolt
  3. See to the Survivors
  4. Withdraw to the Loading Room!
  5. Decontamination
  6. To the Surface
  7. The Future of Gnomeregan
  8. Meet the High Tinker
  9. The Fight Continues
  10. A Triumph of Gnomish Ingenuity
  11. Scrounging for Parts
  12. A Job for the Multi-Bot / What's Left Behind / Dealing with the Fallout
  13. What's Keeping Jessup?
  14. Get Me Explosives Back! / Missing in Action
  15. Finishin' the Job
  16. One More Thing
  17. Crushcog's Minions / No Tanks!
  18. Staging in Brewnall
  19. Paint it Black
  20. Down with Crushcog!
  21. On to Kharanos
Kharanos görev zinciri

  1. Stocking Jetsteam
  2. Frostmane Aggression
  3. Culling the Wendigos
  4. Beer Basted Boar Ribs / The Perfect Stout
  5. Pushing Forward
  6. Help from Steelgrill's Depot / Operation Recombobulation
  7. The Ultrasafe Personnel Launcher
  8. Eliminate the Resistance / Strike From Above
  9. A Hand at the Ranch
  10. It's Raid Night Every Night
  11. Rams on the Lam / Protecting the Herd
  12. Help for the Quarry (breadcrumb) / The Public Servant
  13. Those Blasted Troggs! / Priceless Treasures
  14. Trouble at the Lake
  15. Entombed in Ice / Dealing with the Surge
  16. Dark Iron Scheming
  17. Get to the Airfield
  18. Extinguish the Fires
  19. Rallying the Defenders
  20. Striking Back
  21. Grimaxe's Demise
  22. Demanding Answers
  23. Seize the Ambassador
Dun Morogh görevleri tamamlandıktan sonra Hero's Call: Loch Modan! ya da Reinforcements for Loch Modan (*) göreviyle sonraki bölge olan Loch Modan'a geçilir.