
Durotar, Orc ve Troll ırklarının başlangıç bölgesidir. Orc ırkı oyuna Durotar'ın Valley of Trials kısmında, Troll ırkı ise Echo Isles kısmında başlar.
Bu başlıkta Durotar'da tamamlamanız gereken görevleri sırasıyla listeleyeceğiz.
Orc Başlangıç (Valley of Trials)
- Your Place In The World
- Cutting Teeth
- Invaders in Our Home / Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise
- Sting of the Scorpid
- Ayrıca, seviye üç sınıf görevleri de açılır:
- (Hunter) Etched Parchment & Steady Shot
- (Mage) Glyphic Parchment & Frost Nova
- (Monk) Calligraphed Parchment & Tiger Palm
- (Rogue) Encrypted Parchment & Eviscerate
- (Shaman) Rune-Inscribed Parchment & Primal Strike
- (Warlock) Tainted Parchment & Corruption
- (Warrior) Simple Parchment & Charge
- Lazy Peons
- Vile Familiars
- Hana'zua (opsiyonel)
- Report to Sen'jin Village (Sen'jin Village'e yönlendirir)
- The Rise of the Darkspear
- The Basics: Hitting Things
- A Rough Start
- Proving Pit
- Sınıf görevi:
- (Druid) The Arts of a Druid
- (Hunter) The Arts of a Hunter
- (Mage) The Arts of a Mage
- (Monk) The Arts of a Monk
- (Priest) Learnin' tha Word
- (Rogue) The Arts of a Rogue
- (Shaman) The Arts of a Shaman
- (Warlock) The Arts of a Warlock
- (Warrior) The Arts of a Warrior
- More Than Expected
- Moraya
- A Troll's Truest Companion
- Yan görev: Crab Fishin'
- Saving the Young & Mercy for the Lost & Consort of the Sea Witch
- Young and Vicious
- Breaking the Line
- No More Mercy & Territorial Fetish
- An Ancient Enemy
- Sen'jin Village (Sen'jin Village'e yönlendirir)
Orc: Report to Sen'jin Village
Troll: Sen'jin Village
- Breaking the Chain
- Cleaning Up the Coastline
- Riding On (Razor Hill'e yönlendirir)
- Meats to Orgrimmar (flight path görev serisini başlatır)
- From Bad to Worse / Exploiting the Situation
- Storming the Beaches / Shipwreck Searching
- Opsiyonel yan görev: Loss Reduction
- Storming the Beaches / Shipwreck Searching
- Shipwreck Searching'ten sonra: Thonk
Dranosh'ar Blockade
The Dranosh'ar Blockade ile aynı anda alınabilecek görevler:
Deadeye Shore
- Opsiyonel: Sent for Help
- Gaur Icehorn
- Ghislania
- Griswold Hanniston