Merhaba Arkadaşlar Bir Zamanlar WHMCS Bildiğiniz Üzere Web Hosting Satış Scriptdir.
1.Kurulum Videosu
2.Tema Kurulum
3.Tema Editleme
4.Tema Sayfa Aktif Etme
5.WHMCA Modülleri
6.WHMCS Temaları
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WHMCS Sayfa Aktif Etme Kodu :
//define("FORCESSL",true); # Uncomment to force the page to use https://
$pagetitle = $_LANG['clientareatitle'];
$breadcrumbnav = '<a href="index.php">'.$_LANG['globalsystemname'].'[/url]';
$breadcrumbnav .= ' > <a href="mypage.php">My Page[/url]';
# To assign variables to the template system use the following syntax.
# These can then be referenced using {$variablename} in the template.
$smartyvalues["variablename"] = $value;
# Check login status
if ($_SESSION['uid']) {
# User is logged in - put any code you like here
# Here's an example to get the currently logged in clients first name
$result = mysql_query("SELECT firstname FROM tblclients WHERE id=".(int)$_SESSION['uid']);
$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$clientname = $data[0];
$smartyvalues["clientname"] = $clientname;
} else {
# User is not logged in
# Define the template filename to be used without the .tpl extension
$templatefile = "radyo";
?> [B]
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