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Divine Souls Online Sohbet Konusu

Ya sitesindeki eventde saat 7 yazıyodu ve eventde şimdi in progress yazıyo acaba gm tek başınamı oynuyo :D
ohhhh :D:D giremeyin euhuehe :D:D
LoL :D:D

Sharpen those blades, practice your magic, and polish that glove because you are about to take on the entire world, literally! How fast can you get to level 40? A week? Two weeks? Time to put your SparkCash where your mouth is, because you have the chance of walking away with thousands of dollars in SparkCash!

●On December 14th at 3:00pm PDT, the Race to One MILLION SparkCash jackpot will go live, starting at 1,000,000. On December 16th at 3:00pm PDT, the jackpot will slowly decrease every hour.
●The first 9 people (3 winners per server: East, West, and Europe) to hit level 40 will win the amount of SparkCash at that hour they level. What the jackpot says at the time you hit the level cap is what you win!
●The next 25 top players will receive a SC bundle from the Divine Souls store.
●All players who hit the level cap in the 30 day period will be entered to win mini-figs, controllers, and more!

Important Information
●This event will last 30 days and even if the 9 spots are filled, you can still win tons of swag!
●Any evidence of ToS violations will result in immediate disqualification of all prizing opportunities!

event başlıyor. 12.45 de gece. Oyun kaçda açılır bilmiyorum fakat açıldığı an ile 2 gün arası olduğunu sanıyorum ben büyük olasılık gece açılacak ve o 2 gün içinde top 25 e güzel hediyeler gelicek ^^
:D o zmn ilk 25 e girmek için elimizden geleni yapıyoruz :D yha went team kuralım wentten haberleşelim ?