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Curse Voice Crack

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Arkadaşlar üzülerek söylüyorum ki Curse Voice kullanmayı bırakmalısınız.

Riot ekibinden açıklama geldi ve programın kullanımı yasaklandı, hatta uzaklaştırma almaya kadar gidiyor. Buyrun inceleyin :)
Arkadaşlar üzülerek söylüyorum ki Curse Voice kullanmayı bırakmalısınız.

Riot ekibinden açıklama geldi ve programın kullanımı yasaklandı, hatta uzaklaştırma almaya kadar gidiyor. Buyrun inceleyin :)
o zaman mkjogoda yasaklansın ondada timer var böyle şeyleri kafanıza takmayın 2013den beri kullanılan league of legends hackleri var hala çalışır durumda
Curse'den bir mail gelmiş, sanırım baron ve ejderha sürelerini göstermeyecekler yalnızca iletişim programı olacak. Yani mailden anladığım bu :)


Based on a recent announcement from Riot, and our desire to always remain in compliance with their wishes, we have taken the proactive step of removing Ultimate, Dragon, and Baron timers from Curse Voice. We are happy to oblige in any way we can to provide the best experience possible for our users and trust their judgement in setting those guidelines.

We strongly believe in the core functionality of the product, and that is to allow players to choose, or not choose, to speak with other gamers in the best VoIP solution for gamers. It is also our understanding that this change in functionality falls within the new guidelines set by Riot.

Thank you for your continued support as a beta user. Remember for the most up to date information, please visit the Beta Forums.

-The Curse Voice Team
Curse'den bir mail gelmiş, sanırım baron ve ejderha sürelerini göstermeyecekler yalnızca iletişim programı olacak. Yani mailden anladığım bu :)


Based on a recent announcement from Riot, and our desire to always remain in compliance with their wishes, we have taken the proactive step of removing Ultimate, Dragon, and Baron timers from Curse Voice. We are happy to oblige in any way we can to provide the best experience possible for our users and trust their judgement in setting those guidelines.

We strongly believe in the core functionality of the product, and that is to allow players to choose, or not choose, to speak with other gamers in the best VoIP solution for gamers. It is also our understanding that this change in functionality falls within the new guidelines set by Riot.

Thank you for your continued support as a beta user. Remember for the most up to date information, please visit the Beta Forums.

-The Curse Voice Team

Riot yasaklayınca kaldıracaklar tabii ^^ Ama biraz yenilik getirmeleri lazım...